Ian Xel Lungold

Mayan Majix was founded in 1998 by Mayan calendar researcher and artist Ian Xel Lungold. At that time, Ian had just completed an important journey to Guatemala where he met with thirteenth generation Mayan shaman and elder Don Alejandro Perez Oxlaj. The purpose of the meeting was to show Don Alejandro his Conversion Codex and verify that the calendar count was correct as per the Maya. Ian left the meeting with assurance that the count was correct. Upon his return from this trip Ian met up with Mike Shore who became his webmaster. Mike was a 3D artist and a trained behavioral scientist with a keen interest in the Maya. He began the Mayan Majix website featuring basic Mayan calendar information and Ian’s hand made Mayan jewelry line.

In 1999, Ian had his Mayan Calendar / Conversion Codex printed in Mexico and began the sale and distribution of the Codex. In 2000, he moved to Cancun, Mexico where he met Dr. Calleman. Calleman had recently completed his manuscript for his first book ”The Mayan Calendar – Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our Time” and was in search of a publisher. This is where Ian was exposed to Calleman’s theories which became the primary source material for Ian’s Mayan calendar talks and the Mayan Majix website.

Ian returned to the USA and eventually settled in Sedona, Arizona in 2001. On February 8th, 2001, Ian was interviewed by radio talk show host Art Bell. This interview brought Ian and Mayan Majix a tremendous wave of attention. With this boost Ian was primed to put together his first talks on the Mayan Calendar. This is the time period where Ian met Madaline Weber who became his partner assisting him in developing and promoting his Mayan calendar talks.

Ian Xel Lungold and Madaline Weber in the Yukon

From the time period of 2002 – 2004, Ian gave numerous talks in the USA and Canada. In late 2004, after an intensive Canadian speaking schedule where Ian gave over 70 talks in 3 months, he was diagnosed with throat cancer. Ian chose to use a variety of alternative therapies to cure the tumor. He received tremendous support from the “Mayan Majix Family” and chronicled his health situation in his on-line journal. In February 2005, Ian gave his last talk in Sedona, Arizona titled “The Evolution Continues.” This talk was unique in the sense that Ian went beyond the Mayan calendar specifics and focused on “What do we do now that we understand the schedule of the Mayan Calendar?“ This talk included new ideas and concepts to help people navigate the vast changes predicted by the Mayan calendar. In a sense, it seemed that Ian knew that it was a rare chance to “get it all out” and express his latest research and ideas. Ian spent the remaining months of his life in Canada with Madaline staying with friends who helped care for him. On November 16, 2005, Ian Xel Lungold passed away peacefully in Madaline’s arms.Since Ian’s passing Mike and Madaline have kept the Mayan Majix website going in honor of Ian and his work. Mike and Madaline are continually amazed at the number of well wishes and support they receive from people around the world.

Madaline and Mike